• Farmers’ Conference Centre, Nairobi Kenya
  • +254722 281254/+254720 991074
  • info@kefaas.org


Membership of KeFAAS is open to legal entities from the public and private sector providers of agricultural advisory services, namely  national and county government departments, civil society organisations, Public Benefit Organisations( PBOs),  farmer , organisations, agricultural training institutions (universities and colleges), financial institutions, the media, research institutions,agro-processors,inputs and produce traders, transporters,and any other relevant stakeholder.


KeFAAS will provide high quality services that add value to its members in line with key strategic themes of resource mobilization and sustainability, capacity building, knowledge management,partnerships and advocacy .
Members Benefits at a glance

  1. Staff training on modern extension services including:
  • Extension guidelines and standards
  • Use of ICT in extension servicess
  • Modern and emerging extension approaches and methods
  • Gender sensitive extension
  • Climate smart extension

2. Training on content development, packaging  and dissemination
3. Free access to, sharing and dissemination of Agricultural Information,

knowledge and technologies through innovative information platforms. These include:

  • Operational forum portal, blogs and social media accounts
  • conferences, workshops and fairs, and publishing newsletters

4. Assistance and facilitation to upscale best practices, technology and innovations by:

  • Providing inventories of potential partners, collaborators and innovations
  • Developing and implementing collaboration and partnerships
  • Initiating development partners liaison
  • Opportunity to participate in advocacy for agricultural advisory services in international, regional and national policy dialogue.

Membership Categories

Category Membership




International Organizations 30,000 50,000
Universities & Colleges 15,000 30,000
Research Organizations 15,000 30,000
Local NGOs 15,000 30,000
CBOs 5,000 10,000
Private Companies/Businesses 10,000 20,000
State Owned Enterprises 15,000 30,000
Individuals 3,000 5,000
Student Organizations 1,000 2,000
Bank Account Numbers

Cooperative Bank – 01128451920700
Barclays Bank – 2036432708